Small Business Returns
Filing Your Small Business Return
Business taxes are complicated.
The information you have in your books needs to be summarized and transferred to you tax return documents and if you use the accrual accounting method, a lot of work may need to be done to transfer information from the accrual method to the tax method (cash).
If you’re like most business owners, you may know the intricate details of running your business, but don’t you don’t have time to learn the nuances of accounting that you need to know to file your business tax return.
We have the experience and expertise to organize your business information and file your business tax returns for you.
Whether your business is organized as a sole proprietorship, a LLC, a partnership, a S corporation, or a C corporation, if your annual revenues are less than $26 million, we can do your small business return for you.
And yes, we do returns for very small or seasonal businesses.
To get started, contact us so we can help you determine what your tax filing needs are.
Updated 12/15/2023