Legal Stuff

Website Disclaimer

Unless expressly stated otherwise on this website, (1) nothing contained in this website was intended or written to be used, can be used by any taxpayer, or may be relied upon or used by any taxpayer for the purposes of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; (2) any written statement contained on this website relating to any federal tax transaction or matter may not be used by any person to support the promotion or marketing or to recommend any federal tax transaction or matter; and (3) any taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayer’s particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor with respect to any federal tax transaction or matter contained in this website. No one, without our express written permission, may use any part of this website in promoting, marketing or recommending an arrangement relating to any federal tax matter to one or more taxpayers.

Email Disclaimer

The content of all emails sent from Far North Enterprise LLC d/b/a Far North Tax Service email are confidential and intended for the recipient specified in the message only. It is strictly forbidden to share any part of any email messages sent to you from Far North Enterprise LLC or Far North Tax Service with any third party, without the written consent of the Far North Enterprise LLC. If you received an email message from Far North Enterprise LLC or Far North Tax Service by mistake, please reply to the message and let us know that you have received an email not intended for you and then delete the message that was sent to you.